
Hello there!!! Thank you for visiting my website! This is Shan Cho, and I am currently an Associated Software Engineer at Infosys, Inc.

I started studying Computer Science at City College of San Francisco in 2014 and transferred to SFSU in 2017. In my free time, I go to tech conferences, events and meetups around the Bay Area. By meeting people in industry, I learn not only the latest technologies, but also gain motivation to go beyond the classroom and learn what is on the cutting edge of computer science. As a result, I have become very excited about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and I am taking classes in the subjects both in college and through Coursera.

I joined the machine learning Boot Camp in December 2018: Machine Learning Academy during Fall 2018 semester and I learned the fundamentals of machine learning such as supervised, unsupervised machine learning, multiple machine learning algorithms and some conceptual knowledge of Convolutional/Artificial Neural Network. I applied those knowledges into some real life projects and currently doing couple competitions on

Currently I am working on variety of internal projects along with my company and with clients. My current technology involves AngularJS, Springboot, Microservices, Cloud technology Aamzon Web Services (AWS). Based on the client/projects requirements, I am able to pick up the technology depends on the project needs.

My hobbies include playing guitar, listening to music, testing out new tech, and making new friends. :)

My Portfolio


  • San Francisco, United States
  • +1 (415) 695 4576
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